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    Who's who - Chi sono i relatori al 44mo Congresso Intersteno - Roma 2003

TONIE M. WALLACE Court Reporting Consultants, LLC
and Advanced LEGAL Technologies, LLC - USA
Tonie has been in the court reporting profession since 1971, starting as a court reporter.
Tonie incorporated her business background and experience to develop the case and office management and organizational strategies and software she uses today as a consultant to professionals in law and court reporting throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of the AudioScribe
Corporation. USA

His previous experience, including delivering software solutions to companies like Kellogg (Battle Creek, MI), Ford Aerospace (NASA Branch), UPS Airlines (Louisville, KY), and Johnson & Johnson (New Brunswick, NJ), and the like have prepared him for the current challenges of Real-time Speech Recognition, Streaming Internet Text, XML, SMIL, and Closed Captioning.

JAROSLAV ZAVIACIC Interinfo Group - Praga - Repubblica Cèka
Gründer und Vorsitzender der Interinfo Tschechiens befasst sich über 45 Jahren mit der
Unterrichts-, Trainings- und Wettbewerbsmethodik im Bereich des
Tastschreibens. Gemeinsam mit der dreifachen Weltmeisterin Helena Matouskova unterstützen sie in ihrer Internet-Schule ( fast 25 000 Studenten und Interessenten aus mehreren Ländern..

Amministratore delegato della Stenoype Italia s.r.l. - ITALIA
Insegnante di stenografia e dattilografia nelle scuole pubbliche e private, ora in pensione. Studioso delle tecniche di scrittura veloce, ha ideato e realizzato il metodo di scrittura stenotipica per la lingua italiana. Tale metodo è integrato per l'elaborazione elettronica in tempo reale ed ha larga applicazione nella resocontazione in Italia, particolarmente nell'ambito giudiziario. E' usata anche per la sottotitolazione dei telegiornali della RAI.
Egli ha pure realizzato i metodi per le lingue spagnola e portoghese, metodi che si stanno diffondendo in Spagna e nell'America latina, anche qui per la sottotitolazione di trasmissioni televisive in diretta.

Direttore IDI - Informatica e Presidente Accademia Aliprandi - Firenze - ITALIA
Laureato in filosofia, insegnante di tecnologie informatiche e scrittura al computer, studioso della didattica delle scritture veloci è Direttore dell'Istituto IDI-Informatica di Firenze. Egli è anche  Presidente dell'Accademia Aliprandi che da quasi 80 anni raccoglie e divulga studi tecnici e didattici sulle più avanzate tecnologie per le scritture veloci.

President and Personnel Manager, Senseboard Technologies A.B. - SWEDEN
Founder of the Company and inventor of the Senseboard™ product, holds a MSc in Ergonomics and a BSc in Occupational Therapy. She is also a doctoral candidate in human-computer interaction at Uppsala University, Sweden. Gunilla founded in 1994 an ergonomic consulting company with a focus on human-computer interaction and usability studies. She is an expert in keyboards and human-computer interaction, having specialized in the field for 9 years. Gunilla was awarded the prestigious prize of Swedish "Inventor of the year" in April 2002 (received by only two inventors before, Claes-Göran Hedén in 1986 and Håkan Lans in 1989).

Presidente di sezione della Corte d'Appello di Venezia - ITALY
Attualmente Presidente di sezione della Corte d'appello di Venezia, è stato tra i primi giudici ad utilizzare ed apprezzare la resocontazione stenotipica nell'applicazione in Italia delle nuove norme processuali per i procedimenti penali. E' figlio del prof. Giuseppe Aliprandi, per 50 anni Presidente dell'Accademia Italiana di stenografia e ben noto all'Intersteno per la sua preminente figura di studioso e rappresentante dell'Italia. 

 ERAN AHARONSON President -  ART Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. - Tel Aviv - ISRAEL
ART is the acknowledged pioneer and market leader in the field of natural Human Interface of embedded speech and handwriting recognition solutions for mass-market mobile devices. Mr. Aharonson, after joining ART in 1992, served for over four years as vice president for Research and Development, managing all the R & D projects in the Company. Mr. Aharonson then assumed the role of vice president for Business Development-a position in which he was responsible for identifying new business directions and promoting new product development-and later went on to become chief operating officer. Currently Mr. Aharonson serves as president of the Company, responsible for its everyday operations, R & D, and sales and marketing. Earlier in his career, Mr. Aharonson worked for the IBM Scientific Research Center in Haifa, Israel. In the Israel Defense Forces, he commanded a technical unit. Mr. Aharonson holds master's and bachelor's degrees in Computer Science from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), from which he graduated with distinction.

 DANIEL P. GLASSMAN Word Technologies Lcc. - USA
For nearly 20 years, Mr Glassman has been a leader and visionary in the shorthand industry.  Most of that time has been spent in developing international markets and products for non-English languages.  Inventor and developer of the Treal shorthand keyboard and seller of leading transcription software.

ITC Fabio Besta - Treviso- Italia
Docente di informatica presso l'IPC Fabio Besta di TREVISO. Scrive su LinuxMagazine. Fondatore del progetto e responsabile del relativo sito. Partecipa a Convegni e conferenze sul software libero.

 JOHN WENCLAWSKI  Speche Communications - a Stenograph Company
For the past 20 years, John Wenclawski has had numerous responsibilities in Stenograph’s growth as the leading supplier to the court reporting profession.  As president for the last seven years, he has orchestrated the development and acquisition of many new technologies.

CIO - Swiss Federal Parliament
Andreas Sidler (45) has been working for the Swiss Federal Assembly since 1993. He also teaches at an engineering school in Lausanne where he is responsible for the "Architecture of information systems" and "Multimedia search systems" modules.
Andreas Sidler is a graduate engineer with the following diplomas: Dipl. Ing. esig+, Lausanne / Dipl. Ing. SWS, Bern / Postgraduate IT diploma from ETH, Zürich.

PETTER ERICSON CSO Pen Technology, Anoto AB - Japan/Sweden
Petter Ericson is one of the principal inventors of the Anoto Technology. He joined Anoto's parent company C Technologies at the very start, and was managing the software development team when the Anoto concept was developed. Mr Ericson is now Chief Science Officer at Anoto, with focus on strategic technology and business development. His speciality at the MSc. in Engineering Physics programme at Lund Technical University was computational physics. He also studied at Santa Clara University for a scholarship year

PAOLO VIVIANI - AURELIO BRUNO San Raffaele University - Milano - Italy
Il Prof. Paolo Viviani è professore Ordinario di Fondamenti Anatomico Fisiologici dell'Attività    Psichica e di Psicologia Cognitiva presso l'Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano e di Psicologia della Percezione presso l'Università di Ginevra. Il Dott. Aurelio Bruno è Dottorando di ricerca presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze.

MARIA LUISA CORTI CRIPPA Consultant - Milano - Italy
Italian State approved teacher for shorthand and typewriting. Teacher of reporting techniques (language – stenotype – speech recognition). Former Managing director of a leading reporting firm. Member of national and international study committees about e-working.

 PhDr. Ing. Jirí Novák

CESKÝ TESNOPISNÝ SPOLEK - sdruzení pro tenopis a zpracování informací

 Mittelschullehrer (ökonomische Fächer, Soziologie, Betriebskorrespondenz, Stenografie), Autor Mittelschullehrbücher und externer Stenograf des tschechischen Parlamentes. 

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In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.