Roma 2003 | Intersteno Italy | Internet contest
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    Topics and abstracts of the conferences and workshop at the 44° Intersteno Congress - Roma 2003

This list is updated at the 30th October 2002, please visit again later on to view additional updatings. The abstracts have been prepared by the speakers and are here available in the original version. Translations into italian - english - france and spanish will be available later not.

TONIE M. WALLACE Court Reporting Consultants, LLC
and Advanced LEGAL Technologies, LLC - USA
The Digital Revolution - Challenges And Benefits  of Digital Technology
Tonie will discuss competing in today’s changing environment and the digital technology revolution affecting the reporting profession.  Tonie is known for her ability to inspire and motivate her clients, is a respected authority on records case management, retrieval and archival, time and cost saving procedures and organizational strategies and will instruct on controlled change.  She is determined and confident in assisting those who choose to perfect the changes necessary and believes it is time for us to get serious about the reporting profession and raise the bar.

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of the AudioScribe Corporation. USA.
Speech recognition: realtime closed captioning and Internet broadcasting.

JAROSLAV ZAVIACIC Interinfo Group - Praga - Repubblica Cèka
Keyboarding e-learning.
In verschiedenen Ländern vorbereitet die Schule junge Leute für Umgang mit PC sehr unterschiedlich. Wo das Sagen die Spezialisten für Computern haben, die selber das Tastschreiben nicht beherrschen, liefert die Schule in die Praxis oft Menschen, die dreifach mehr Zeit für die Texterfassung (z.B. beim Konzipieren von Referaten, wissenschaftlichen Texten, Protokollierung sowie e-mail oder chat) benötigen. Die tschechische Methode ZAV bietet  nach 45jähriger Entwicklung einen sehr effektiver, aber auch spielerischer und motivierender Weg zur Tastaturbeherrschung und anschließend zum individuellem Erlernen von Routinen (z.B. Fremdsprachen-Wörtern) in drei Sprachen.

Presidente Stenotype Italia s.r.l. - ITALIA
Lingua e stenotipia
Lo studio e l'analisi razionale di una lingua permettono di individuare i principi fondamentali e gli elementi validi che occorrono per realizzare qualsiasi tecnica di scrittura veloce. Seguendo infatti rigidamente questi principi si arriva a creare un  rapporto fra le varie lingue, dal punto di vista fonetico-ortografico, che consente di realizzare un metodo comune di gestione informatica per la stenotipia.

Direttore IDI - Informatica e Presidente Accademia Aliprandi - Firenze - ITALIA
Accademia Aliprandi: preserve and transmit our technical and didactic know-how

President and Personnel Manager, Senseboard Technologies A.B. - SWEDEN
Virtual keyboarding.
With 'Virtual keyboard' Senseboard provide customers touch typists with a fast & mobile text-entry solution for the capture of thoughts to written text, without being bound to a physical device.  Senseboard will be the method of text entry for mobile & personal computing and will enable a full-sized computer that will fit into the pocket or purse.

Presidente di sezione della Corte d'Appello di Venezia - ITALY

President - Marketing Communications -  ART Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. - Tel Aviv - ISRAEL

 DANIEL P. GLASSMAN  President - Word Technologies LLC - USA
Advances in Realtime Transcription Technologies
This discussion focuses on current technologies available for creating a record of the spoken word.  Preserving and enhancing the shorthand and transcription profession by embracing available technology.  Knowing how to do so for the benefit of our clients is key to understanding what technologies fit what situations.  The discussion will include information on CAT software for realtime transcription, television captioning, conference reporting, and aids for handicapped persons.  Examples will be discussed illustrating applications in several languages.

The dream of any reporter becomes true: e-working
Da tempo sognato e faticosamente sperimentato, oggi il telelavoro nel settore della resocontazione è una realtà che apre ulteriori sviluppi professionali.

Teodosio Galotta
Fenir - Federazione Nazionale Imprese Resocontazione
L'esperienza italiana per la resocontazione giudiziaria. The Italian experience in Court reporting.

JOHN WENCLAWSKI  Speche Communications - a Stenograph Company
Real-time delivery of the spoken word
Speche Communications, a Stenograph Company, is the leading service provider of real-time streaming text over the internet.  When the United Nations broadcasted the independence of East Timor, Microsoft launched the X Box or a national address by President Bush, these are examples of events delivered real-time to a local website via Speche Communications.  Text input from a word document, a shorthand reporter, or a voice reporter create a stream of text that can be synchronized with audio and / or video.

PETTER ERICSON CSO Pen Technology, Anoto AB - Japan/Sweden
Chatpen - the biggest revolution in note taking

ITC Fabio Besta - Treviso- Italia
I valori offerti dal software libero nella didattica
Si esaminano brevemente i valori del software libero nella scuola:
A. valore tecnico; possibilità di studio e modifica dei sorgenti, di mettere mano nel motore del software, di avere a prezzo modesto software di alta qualità per le reti, per il desktop, ecc.
B. valore etico-sociale;
Principi di uguaglianza, di meritocrazia, di libertà di parola e di stampa, di questo software.
Principio della collaborazione,possibilità di modifica dei sorgenti, di mettere mani nel motore del software e simili.

 CIO -Swiss Federal Parlament
(Nearly) Real Time-Publishing from the plenary minutes on the Internet
The Swiss Federal Assembly use an integrated production system with which the Official Bulletin containing the plenary minutes of the Swiss Parliament is produced and made available as a multimedia publication. The system was introduced in December 1999. Since then it has simplified information retrieval tasks for MPs, journalists and citizens.
Presentation of the IT systems and their networking - The Official Bulletin production system - From XML to online multimedia transmission of the debates.

AURELIO BRUNO and PAOLO VIVIANI San Raffaele University - Milano 
Studio del profilo temporale dell'elaborazione del linguaggio attraverso l'analisi delle abilita' di trascrizione
Ricercatori dell'Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano sotto la guida del Prof. Paolo Viviani, direttore del Laboratorio di Percezione, Azione e Cognizione (LAPCO), hanno condotto una ricerca sui fattori cognitivi, motori e linguistici che presiedono alla trascrizione dattilografica. La ricerca è stata condotta avvalendosi anche di operatori altamente professionali. Sulla base anche di studi precedenti, la ricerca ha dimostrato due risultati principali: 1) La struttura temporale delle sequenze di battute sulla tastiera dipende rigidamente dalla parola che si trascrive, e resta invariata quale che sia la velocità alla quale si esegue la trascrizione. Questa struttura è peraltro specifica di ogni individuo. Come tale, essa puo' essere considerata l'espressione di una "melodia motoria" intrinsecamente associata all'interazione fra linguaggio e motricità. 2) L'esistenza di tali melodie motorie invarianti rispetto al ritmo di battuta permette di mettere in evidenza delle variazioni di ritmo le quali, a loro volta, sembrano correlate ai processi mentali associati con la comprensione del linguaggio. L'analisi del compito di trascrizione dattilografica apre quindi una finestra per la comprensione di questi complessi processi cognitivi. 

Senato della Repubblica Italiana - Roma
Computer transcription of Hansard and Committee debates: the italian Senate experience

 PhDr. Ing. Jirí Novák  CESKÝ TESNOPISNÝ SPOLEK - Praha
Handstenografie und Informationstechnologien
a)    kurze Charakteristik der Informationsgesellschaft,
b)    kurze Charakteristik der Informationstechnologien,
c)     Handstenografie im Zeitalter der  Informationstechnologien
-         Entstehung der Handstenografie als eine der Grundetappen der Entwicklung der Informationstechnologien,
-         Handstenografie als optimale persönliche Schrift des kreativen Menschen im Zeitalter der Informationsgesellschaft,
-         Handstenografie als effektive Informationstechnologie in elementaren Informationssituationen,
-     Handstenografie als effektive Informationstechnologie der Notierung und Bearbeitung der durch traditionelle und elektronische Informationsmittel präsentierter Texte.

 Taquibràs - Brasilia - Brasil
A taquigrafia no Brasil: ensino e profissionalização; difusão; mercado institucional de trabalho. Taquibrás (*): Estrutura Organizacional, Metologia de Ensino, Conteúdo Programático.
(*)Taquibrás-Registros Taquigráficos: a mais importante escola de taquigrafia do país.

 ERAN AHARONSON  President -  ART Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. - Tel Aviv - ISRAEL
Here, There or Everywhere
The market acceptance of cellular handsets and their impressive penetration has benefited the industry while requiring the development of true consumer devices. As a consequence of market acceptance of cellular handsets, intuitive human interface methodologies have came into focus, highlighting embedded speech recognition as one of the most advantageous technologies.
These days, many consumers perceive speech recognition or Voice Interface as perquisites. Embedded speech recognition has matured to support significant market share increase moreover new markets opening and declaring their need for embedded speech solutions to guide and manage their manufactured devices. 
Therefore, true speaker independent, train less quality driven user-friendly human interface designed for mass-market, cost-conscious audience is required both by the consumers and by the manufactures.
It is era of convergence, innovative, exciting new technologies and true consumer devices to cross-the-chasm. From wireless PDAs, smart Phone, MultiModal systems, DSR as far as interactive robotic toys, all require intuitive human interface. This convergence demands and highlights the need for embedded speech recognition powered by strong support for device operation and data based interaction.
These factors and more have pushed embedded speech recognition to "stage front" as the preeminent user interface. 
Embedded recognition technologies engulf the fundamentals of the user experience to converge remote driven services. Providing the user with quality, user friendly, intuitive experience at the handsets layer is truly a requirement to the success of add-on services.

Contents copyrighted © by Gian Paolo Trivulzio except where otherwise noted.
Interface entirely developed and copyrighted © 2002-2024.
All rights reserved.
In loving memory of Gian Paolo Trivulzio.